THE VATICAN-UKRAINE ALLIANCE: From Francis to George Soros

1 year ago

BREAKING NEWS: Announcing the name of the archbishop who will offer the most prominent Latin Mass of 2023 (The Chartres Pilgrimage in France)

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt starts off with a look at the latest indicator of full-blown apostacy in Catholic Ireland – a muezzin inside a Catholic church, calling the Irish to Muslim prayer.

The Catholic countries are dropping like flies. Well played, Vatican II!

Not to be outdone, the German bishops are hellbent on schism as well, with the head of the German Bishops’ Conference claiming that God wants sodomites to receive the blessing of the Church.

Meanwhile, Word War III heats up, as Pope Francis’s official newspaper calls on Europeans to give up heating their homes for Lent, since doing so supports “Russia’s war machine.”

Speaking of lunacy, Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity call on Clueless Joe to start shooting down Russian fighter planes. So apparently our Neocon friends learned nothing from their mistakes in Iraq 20 years ago.

Michael adds “Lucky Lindsey” to the Lunatics of Davos roster, as George Soros comes right out and admits who’s really behind the war in Ukraine.

And finally, Pope Francis’s move to divide the clans – why is he doing it, and will we let him get away with it?

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