Snowstorn march 18 2023

1 year ago

Blizzard thanks to geo engineering. Lets cool the planet block out the sun. Fing morons . Sun isnt important to life.
Allowed gates to vaccine the planet
Now allowing gates to geo engineer.

Stupid imagineers.

Sheep allow this I hope u like death and deisease as sun is a pathogen killer . Dont worry they have vaccines for stupid.

Side effects death

Until the people grow a pair and start the distribution of true justice bc the cops and military are corrupt and just follow orders like the doctors . Then nothing will change.

Be slaves suffer and die like sheep.

In the olden days these corrupt and evil ppl would hang without question.

Go beg tredeau or biden to resign . Protest for justuce. Dont actually take control

36 million sheep in Canada that just dont want problems or conflict or trouble they will follow and obey to the grave.

Go wave a flag . Its doing so much .

Go eat McDonald's
Grab some toxic Tim's
Take a vaccine
Wear a mask
Turn on CP24
Buy a electric car
Be a male and get pregnant or have ur period
Think AI actually exists
Maybe get all vaccines every made yearly
Go shop Amazon
Use Microsoft
Listen to CNN
Support 5G
Support apple and wars bc the elitists never die only profit .


Stupidest time to be alive in Canada .

This society is a wash

Canadians arent nice dont care if u die . When i was homeless due to vaccine and had a sign no vax no job. 90% of society didnt give a dam . Many wanted me dead
Many blamed me
Canadians wished the worst on me.
FSociety. Bunch of fake fraudsters who bandwagon jump and pretend to be nice bc if anyone actually knew how evil u all are you would be hanged.

No wonder we have so much human trafficking
Pedophiles. Predators and fraudsters in Canada. Land of degenerates. Owned by Vangaurd and Blackrock

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