Solstice and New Moon Aries March 21st/22nd 2023 "A Powerful Initiation Begins"

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

A New Moon in Aries will propel us headfirst into a brave new world and bright new future: excitement and a complete shift of vibes.

March 22nd 4.23 am Australian
21st March for Northern Hemisphere

New Moon March 2023
at precisely 0 degrees in the sign of Aries the Ram -
Pisces season 2023 ends. We say hello to Spring Equinox 2023 at 12.57 AM, just before the new moon and new beginnings.
The stars could not have been less subtle in this significant initiating energy.

This New Moon is making a bold and fiery entrance that will be noticed because this lunation starts an entirely new chapter in our personal lives and across the collective.

We’re talking about society-shifting, culture-defining, headline-grabbing news kind of changes and transformations.

The New Moon in Aries is the start of the astrological New Year, but that's not all. It's also coming the same month that power-wielding Pluto moves into the innovative sign of Aquarius.

“we are here to evolve not grow old!”

Mars will also end an exceptionally extended stay to enter Cancer, another cardinal and initiating sign.

All this energy is like a vast cosmic
green light to start something you’ve always wanted to get off the ground but didn’t have the willpower, energy, or courage to get started. It’s begging all of us to cast our fears and doubts aside to know we have the stars supporting us as we face new ventures and adventures.

Up to two days before, I advise you to cleanse and work with this energy in your space.
Have salt baths, eat lighter foods, take saunas to align your thoughts with your intentions, and notice where you feel ready to release.
Journal this to bring it up and into your awareness.
Infuse your water with positive words of intent before you drink it on the day of the new moon.

(go to my website blog and look at the purification ceremony

I created and use that method; it works when the energy is set up well).

This is a biggie; the energy will surely be felt. Be strong, tune into your courage and prepare for much change ahead.

A few keywords for each of the planets and luminaries to help you appreciate the symbolic influence

Sun: The Illuminated One, The Core Self, The Creative Force
Moon: The Reflector, The Emotional Self, The Intuition
Mercury: The Messenger, The Lower Mind, The Connector
Venus: The Lover, The Inner Feminine, The Harmoniser
Mars: The Action Taker, The Inner Masculine, The Activator
Jupiter: The Expander, The Optimistic Self, The Guru
Saturn: The Limiter, The Realistic Self, The Taskmaster
Uranus: The Liberator, The Innovative Self, The Awakener
Neptune: The Dreamer, The Intuitive Self, The Transcendent
Pluto: The Destroyer, The Shadow Self, The Transformer

This change will awaken us, it will change us, to work with the highest octave, make sure you set your intentions with full awareness and belief in yourself to rise through, regardless.
For you are not growing old! You are Evolving into wisdom!

And So It Is


#astrologer #astrology #alchemy #newmoon #discoverandgrow #delahroseroobiemyer #consciousness

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