Lesson 121: Filthy Lucre 021722

1 year ago

The Bible Show
Lesson 121: Filthy Lucre 021722
JD Hudson YouTube Channel

01.) 1 Peter 5:1-4 (Feed the flock willingly, not for filthy lucre).
02.) Merriam Webster Dictionary: Lucre - Monetary gain; Profit; Money.
03.) Merriam Webster Dictionary: Filthy - Covered with, containing, or characterized by filth; Underhand; Vile; Obscene; Very; Exceedingly.
04.) Merriam Webster Dictionary: Filth - Foul or putrid matter; Loathsome dirt or refuse; Moral corruption or defilement; Something that tends to corrupt or defile.
05.) Titus 1:4-11 (Find elders not give to filthy lucre).
06.) Leviticus 21:1-8 (Rules for the priests).
07.) Isaiah 55:1-4 (No money is needed to hear the word).
08.) Isaiah 30:1, 8-14 (Speak unto us smooth things).
09.) 1 Timothy 3:1-13 (A bishop must not be greedy for filthy lucre).
10.) Isaiah 56:9-12 (The watchman are all greedy dogs).
11.) Revelation 22:13-16 (Without the kingsom are dogs).
12.) 1 Samuel 8:1-3 (Samuel's sons judge for lucre).
13.) 1 Timothy 6:1-12 (Gain is not Godlieness).
14.) Matthew 10:1, 5-10 (Freely ye have received, freely give).
15.) 2 Thessalonians 3:6-10 (Don't work, then don't eat).
16.) Mark 10:23-30 (Difficult for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God).
17.) Luke 6:20-26 (Woe unot to you that are rich).
18.) 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (Don't trust in uncertain riches).

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