20230318 detaching from the US dollar 脫離美元體系

1 year ago

this is very important that you understand this because the mainstream media are lying to you.
every single one of your worldwide, they're lying to you about what's going on in the world
because they're covering up what they're trying to do, which is usher in their new agenda,

which is all about control but there's a lot of countries that have already made a decision.
they're detaching themselves from the US dollar. none more so than bricks, Brazil Russia India,
China and South Africa already left already detached already going gold or asset backed.

that's happening already. now you may say well that's not a lot of people well India
has 1.5 billion people and a lot of Africa now has gone with them that has over
1.5 billion people, over half of the world's population have already gone to an asset back

currency which I've been talking about for three years trying to wake people up to the truth.
but it was important, today that I sent a little message out to you because there's a lot of
other countries that have joined so far already the countries that have joined Brazil Russia
India, China and South Africa are Egypt Afghanistan Algeria Indonesia, Kazakhstan Nicaragua
Nigeria Senegal Thailand the united arabim Argentina Iran Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe Iraq already
joined. now this gets interesting, these are the countries that are lined up already who've
requested to join, the last one your life Costa Rica El Salvador, watamala Honduras Panama
Bolivia Chile Cuba, Ecuador Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Azerbaijan Mongolia tajika star turkmenistan,
uzbeka star paki star, Sri Lanka Vietnam, now for the fun one German just applied to join bricks,
I think it's time to wake up to the truth because if Germany join bricks are by Europe

了解這一點非常重要,因為主流媒體在騙你。 你們世界上的每一個人,他們都在騙你們世界上正在發生的事情, 因為
他們正在脫離美元。 無非是磚塊,巴西俄羅斯印度中國南非已經脫離, 已經去黃金或資產支持。 那已經發生了。
現在你可能會說,這不是很多人,印度有 15 億人口,很多非洲現在已經和他們一起走了,擁有超過 15 億人口,
世界上一半以上的人口已經轉向資產支持貨幣,我 三年來一直在談論試圖喚醒人們認清真相。 但重要的是,
已經加入的國家是埃及、阿富汗、阿爾及利亞、印度尼西亞、哈薩克斯坦、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亞。 塞內加爾
泰國阿拉伯聯合酋長國阿根廷伊朗沙特阿拉伯津巴布韋伊拉克已經加入。 現在這變得有趣了,這些是已經排隊的國家,
他們已經申請加入,最後一個是你生命中的最後一個 哥斯達黎加 薩爾瓦多,瓦塔馬拉 洪都拉斯 巴拿馬 玻利維亞
智利 古巴,厄瓜多爾 秘魯 烏拉圭 委內瑞拉,阿塞拜疆 蒙古 塔吉剋星 土庫曼斯坦,烏茲別克斯坦 star paki star,
斯里蘭卡 越南, 現在為了好玩,一個德國人剛剛申請加入磚塊,我認為是時候醒悟真相了,因為如果德國加入磚塊是由歐洲

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