how to train dog and knows his behaviour

1 year ago

This wikiHow article takes you through everything you need to know about training a dog - including basic dog commands, potty training, crate training, leash training, obedience training, clicker training, and more.

Method 1
Method 1 of 12:
Applying General Training Principles
Image titled Train a Dog Step 7
Manage your expectations and mood. Not every training day is going to be perfect, but don’t get frustrated and don’t take it out on your dog. Adjust your own behavior and attitude to encourage your dog’s ability and confidence to learn. If you have a calm mood, generally your dog will, too.
If the dog becomes afraid of your bad mood, s/he will not learn anything new. S/he'll only learn to be wary and not trust you.
Dog training classes and a good trainer can help you improve your behavior which will translate to success with your dog.

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