Very Serious Change In Tide Russian General Cites Karen Kingston's Proof Shots are Bioweapons

1 year ago

Russian General Igore Kirlillov, expert in bioweapons reporting in their Congress the Covid 19 shots are bioweapons. He quotes Karen Kingston's evidence the injections were known to harm and kill. He reports about the Pfizer Project Veritas Sting when the Pfizer manager tells a man they invent viruses to vaccnate for them. The Russian General states the U.S. government as ordering and paying for this gain of function research and deployment of an injection known to be harmful and cause death. Karen Kingston is a very brave and wise and common sense woman. She was on our group meeting call last week reporting about this. She states that the United States had better take care of this. Or other countries will take care of the United States. Now according to Russia the United States has deployed a bioweapon on it's own military. The Department of Defense (DOD) is in charge of the deployment of the so called Covid 19 injections. That alone is so wrong. We had better face the fact that it can only be folks... We have experience a total coup d'eta take over of our total and complete government including the Pentagon and DOD. All of it compromised, three years of murdering human beings on this Earth! We must fight back and that must start with outlawing the Covid 19 Injections and all vaccines until the criminals are investigated. No more vaccine mandates of any kind. We are wise to them now. God gave us incredible immune systems that most vacciins have come to destroy as Big Pharma was totally infiltrated long ago by the psychopaths. Let us all go to our pharmacies and demand they stop the shots. WE must stop the death sites in our communities adn prosecute the murderers!

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