Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - March 17, 2023

1 year ago

Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - March 17, 2023

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Tom Donelson and Dr. Larry Fedewa discuss:

A federal judge has denied defendant’s motion to cross-examine an FBI agent who inadvertently leaked hidden emails that discussed an FBI directive to “destroy” 338 pieces of evidence and to remove or edit out the name of an FBI agent from a confidential source informant report. Given the video that was hidden from the public’s view until last week which did not support the insurrection narrative, it is time to start examining what the hell is going on at the DOJ and the FBI.

Silicon Valley Bank is in trouble and it appears that its mega-depositors will receive a special multi-billion dollar bailout. The Bank made tens of millions of dollars of contributions to Leftist woke causes which may explain the special treatment — that’s how government corruption works.

The current economic climate is worrisome — a lagging economy hamstrung by horrible energy policies and runaway inflation and a regulatory state is that out of control — with an insatiable appetite for regulating Americans and the appliances they use in their homes, but no desire whatsoever to regulate our southern border in anyway shape or form. Biden’s Build Back Better plan and his inflation reduction plan make the Titanic’s only voyage look like a smashing success!

San Francisco's reparation plan which has been deemed to be a bad case of gaslighting by a former black lives matter activist. He argues that the plan is nothing short of insane and stupid. It would provide $5 million payments, a lifetime annual stipend, and homes in San Francisco for $1.

Gov. Ron DeSantis said this week that the US becoming further entangled in the war in Ukraine was not in the nation’s vital interests. He also mentioned that we need a plan to achieve our goals. We hope that Putin is repelled and that Ukraine defends itself from the unjustified Russian invasion. But we also do not see paying for the Ukrainian retirement pensions as an important part of helping them defend themselves. The truth is had Biden not shown consistent weakness and fecklessness, the entire debacle would not likely have happened.

Former White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, said that Joe Biden does nothing before 9 AM. She said that he’s a night owl. Interestingly, according to the Mayo Clinic, insomnia, "night wandering," and other sleep disorders are common symptoms of dementia as well as the inability to complete sentences, confusing your wife and sister, and shaking hands with imaginary friends.

Wellesley College, a traditional female college, is now saying that males who identify as females are welcome to apply, and that women who identify as males may not apply.

The Pope commented that the celibacy of the clergy may only be a temporary situation.

Stanford’s law school students and at least one of its deans are opposed to free speech and shouted down an invited speaker on grounds that the sitting federal judge should not be allowed to speak.

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