Stress on Our Bodies with Geeta Sethi

1 year ago

What is stress? 
- a natural biological response to danger

We have always lived through stress...- A human body is wired for stress/ Fight or flight
-  That's a part of life and evolution... stress allows to build resilience and allows us to adapt...
 -Autonomic Nervous system has a switch to turn to sympathetic response to deal with stress/supposed to be short term/ Fight or flight response*
-Stress over/ Body shifts to parasympathetic state/Rest and digest*

Modern day issues: Living in chronic stress/ toxic environment in the world today...(financial, emotional, mental, trying to fit in...environmental....)
- -Feel your ability your life's demands exceed your ability to meet those demands (Mental/ emotional impact of chronic stress)
Freeze response/ contant state of stress
- Body not geared to stay long term in fight or flight/ Constand cortisol production/ Impacts digestion, blood sugar, immune system(inflammation pathways), circadian rhythm( sleep/fatigue)

Is there a difference between actual stress and perceived stress/ Fears around future
- body does not differentiate between perceived and actual stress/ the impact is the same.

Easiest way to shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic is breathwork...start wherever you are. 

Stress resiliency:
-Dependant on mental and physical health
-Each individual is different in terms of environment, support systems, and past experiences in life

Lots of big questions that need to be answered in terms of the role of the society, government and responsibility at an individual level, 
A big impact is an individual attitude to start working towards building their own resiliency. Once attitude and intent is aligned, start taking small steps to build resilience: reach out for support, nourish with right foods, get out in nature, start some breathwork
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