"THE WRAP UP SMEAR" Tactic. Nancy Pelosi's Media Propaganda Machine is used to Smear Political Opponents.

1 year ago

FLASHBACK: Never forget....
"THE WRAP UP SMEAR" Tactic. Nancy Pelosi Explains How To Deliberately Use The Media To Smear Political Opponents.

"It’s A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy… You Demonize And Then You… It… We Call It The “Wrap Up Smear”… If You Want To Talk Politics… We Call It The “Wrap Up Smear”… You Smear Somebody With Falsehoods And All The Rest And Then You Merchandise It… And Then You Write It And I’ll Say See It’s Reported In The Press… This, This, This, And This And So They Have That Validation That The Press Reported The Smear… And That’s Called The Wrap-Up Smear… Now I’m Going To Merchandise On The Press’ Report On The Smear That We Made."

Date Aired: June 22, 2017


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