War On Muslims & Islam Policies Used Against Brother Andrew Tate

1 year ago

Who is the muslims biggest critic? Who Finds Islam the biggest threat? we all know its the Devil but dont make obvious statements like that. Have a think and look around.

1. No representation but now Saudi Muhammaed Al Issa Wants us to Be that Rep

2. Muslim Scholars and innocent Muslims still locked up for speaking on Truth

The Leaders in the Muslim world. Certain Da'ees dawah members. Religious leaders America/UK and Israel and Saudia Arabia and China. WHAT Have they all got in common? Greed and insecurity. Their plan is to cripple Muslims into apostacy. But attacking our Islam daily. Not allowing us a voice or opinion. Instead keep promoting their agenda.

The ones who have been through the merciless treatment of Mushrik leaders and Supporters and the GovPolicing we will know. Which makes us even more determined to carry on the good fight.

Those giving lip service. There will be accountability soon. Only a Matter of time.

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