Amazon Support Getting Rid of This?!? WHY?

1 year ago

Recent reports have been circulating about the declining customer service from Amazon Seller Support. It's become frustratingly clear that Amazon is no longer exhibiting the customer service that it was once known for.

With the massive influx of new sellers, Amazon has stopped offering the level of customer service they were once known for. Instead of providing their customer support specialists with the resources they need to solve customer issues, they’ve implemented a more automated system.

The customer service responses and customer support resolution times have become increasingly slow. It’s also become impossible to speak with a live representative. When problems arise, sellers can no longer dial in directly to speak with someone who can offer immediate assistance. Instead, they’re directed to online forms and emails, which often go unanswered.
What’s more, Amazon’s customer service policies have become increasingly opaque, with arbitrary rules and regulations that make it extremely difficult to get meaningful resolutions out of customer service representatives. It’s also become difficult for long-time sellers who have established relationships with customer service representatives to get the same level of attention and assistance that, until recently, they were accustomed to receiving.

The decline in Amazon Seller Support has made it increasingly difficult for sellers to find reliable support. The lack of transparency and the persistent decline in customer service quality have left many out in the cold. If Amazon doesn’t correct course, many current and potential sellers will look towards other e-commerce giants, who can offer reliable customer service and support.

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