Welcome to Nazarene Judaism RESTORED.

1 year ago

Contact: Nazarene_Judaism@protonmail.com
WHO WE ARE PLEASE READ: We are Nazarene Jews and followers of THE WAY (ACTS 24:5) , the Jewish 1st Century Ecclesia That was lead by Yaakov Ha Tzedek (James the Just) after our Rabbi Yehoshua Ha Mashiach/ aka "Jesus Christ"
John 14:6
יהושע /Jesus said to him, “I am the Way,
The United nazarene Synagogue is a twenty-first century heir of this first century community. Its primary goals are to Educate and share the good news and to provide Nazarene Jewish believers and followers of THE WAY with the opportunity to live and worship in a manner similar to that of first century believers.
We are a Nazarene online Synagogue and are a congregation of Nazarene Jews , and Gentile Christians/The nations Worshipping the father of all creation through his glorious son Yehoshua/Yeshua/Jesus. We do not use the title "Rabbi" for any of us but Rather Elders. We have only ONE Rabbi who is Mashiach, if we need to know something that we don't ,we search the scriptures Acts 17:11 and ask H.I.M (His Imperial Majesty) our Rabbi Yehoshua/Jesus. We are part of a larger effort to restore the faith as it existed in 1st century C.E. Judea, known within Judaism called The Nazarenes (Acts 24:5) Judeo-nazarenism.
the Nazarene Jews are first jewish Messianic movement. This Torah observant Jewish sect that followed and taught יהושע (Yehoshua) as our Jewish Mashiach (Messiah), is often described as “early Within 1st century Judaism and early Ecclesia meaning called out ones. note: The believers of Jesus in Judea were called Nazarenes and followers of The Way. The Gentiles took the label" Christian" for themselves in general and the Nazarenes remained Nazarenes (documented in the book called an ecclestistical history).. HaNetzarim existed parallel to Pharisaic/Rabbinical Judaism and Christianity up into the 4th-century c.e., with some accounts of existing as late as the early middle ages, but guess what, we are still here! The Nazarene Jews existence has been well documented by Jewish and Church Historians of the time.

Our Statement of Faith:

We believe in the deity of Yehoshua Ha Mashiach( the Lord Jesus The Messiah), in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
In our Nazarene New Testament Synagogue We are are 'non- trinitarian' but rather believe in the GODHEAD which is 3 in one. We believe in the Gifts and The Full Canon of scripture of 82 Books. We Use the LXX Septuagint As the Authority ,The book of 1Enoch , the book of Jubilees and the NJV New Testament as all the inspired word of YHWH. Not "66" books only ,we are not" Protestants" or "Catholic" or "eastern otrthodox". We are Nazarene Jews. We also Use The Hebrew Tanakh for reference.

We Do not Believe in Female leadership over men in the synagogue.

We observe certain feast days because we are Jewish Saints in Mashiach but do not impose them on Gentiles. The Gentile saints are welcome to participate but they are given 4 instructions in Acts 15. We do not celebrate Christmas and Easter or Halloween or any other Pagan feast or world holidays.
We are NOT A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. We do not receive tax exemption status from the U.K Government; therefore we are beholding to no one except our Adon, YHWH Y’shuati (B’H). We are self-supporting, however, your most welcome contributions will go toward costs involved with routine office expense, books, C.D.’s, periodic materials, and education required to keep us knowledgeable and capable in our avodah (service) to our Adon (Master), you are more than welcome to donate if you feel led. Todah raba (thank you very much)!

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