💫Women's Health Correction💫Hormonal Balance💫

1 year ago

💫Now you can hear a sound💫no in the background This sound is a matrix for women's health healing and hormone phono correction in women. These frequencies have a positive effect on EVERY woman's body. And listening to them daily can completely heal the female body.
💫 Sounds tune your DNA to a healthy and balanced condition of your body. To hear the result, you need to listen to this matrix at least 30 minutes three times a day for 21 days, but no more than 3 times a day. All you need is just to listen. You don't have to do anything, everything will happen by itself, without your active participation. You start to relax, under these pleasant sounds of music.
💫 Feel how every cell reacts to this wonderful light. This light awakens your soul and activates the heart center, spreading throughout the body in a warm wave. Feel this pleasant warmth all over your body. Feel love in every cell of your body. You are the perfect creation of the universe. Every woman is a miracle, a gift to this world. A woman is a source of pure and unconditional love. You are able to give love indefinitely and in unlimited quantities. Your body appears to be woven of delicate light and ether. You breathe, absorb the warmth of this light with every cell of your body. Pure joy and love.
💫 Share this love with all living beings on this earth: plants, birds, animals and people. In this beautiful state, keep listening to your breath and these pleasant sounds of filling music.💫

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