E3 - Unraveling the Web of Meaning: Jeremy Lent on Love, Kindness, and Personal Growth

1 year ago

Can you imagine the profound impact of searching for meaning in the midst of a life crisis? Join us as we speak with Jeremy Lent, author of "The Patterning Instinct" and "The Web of Meaning," about his personal journey of enlightenment and understanding.

I met Jeremy when I worked as Interim CEO for the NGO Gaia Education. I was introduced to Jeremy through a fellow friend Daniel Christian Wahl, whom I also met through Gaia Education.

After my first meeting with Jeremy, I was left with a feeling of being humble. Here I was, in the room with a great thinker with a mind you want to dive into. I can listen to Jeremy talk for hours. The result of the meeting ended on a professional level with becoming a new Gaia Education program - and I knew I wanted more time together with Jeremy. So when we started our podcast, Jeremy was among the first people I wanted us to talk to.

I can highly recommend his books: "The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning" and "The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe."

They are profound and deep and leave you with several aha moments. To me, one of the thoughts that affected me most strongly was his comment that: "The first thing that humans domesticated was themselves"...

In this podcast episode we explore the evolution of meaning-making in human history, the consequences of living in a disconnected society, and the power of love, kindness, and transformation in promoting change and healing.

We dive into the cognitive shifts that occurred as humans transitioned from a nomadic hunter-gatherer existence to a more sedentary agricultural lifestyle and discuss the importance of connectedness, community, and kindness in finding meaning in our lives. As we discuss the implications of the ecological crisis on our civilization, Jeremy shares his insights on hope for a better future and how to begin healing from the deep-rooted conditioning we experience from a young age.

Finally, we explore the Deep Transformation Network and the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and choices as we strive for a more connected and meaningful existence.

This episode is an insightful and inspiring exploration of the search for meaning, the power of kindness, and the potential for profound personal and societal transformation.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from Jeremy Lent's wisdom and experiences.

About Jeremy Lent
Jeremy Lent is a writer, speaker, and thought leader who explores the deep cultural and psychological roots of our global systemic crises. He is the founder and president of the nonprofit Liology Institute, which promotes a worldview that integrates scientific understanding with indigenous wisdom and spiritual insight. In addition, he has co-created the Deep Transformation Network, a community of thought leaders and change-makers committed to creating a more sustainable and regenerative future.

Lent is also an accomplished speaker and has presented his ideas at venues such as the United Nations, the Harvard Divinity School, and the Stockholm Resilience Center. He is a sought-after thought leader in the fields of sustainability, social justice, and consciousness.

Lent's work challenges us to re-examine our basic assumptions about the world and our place in it and to develop a more holistic and integrated understanding of our relationship to the natural world and to each other.

Overall, Jeremy Lent's work offers a compelling and nuanced perspective on the challenges facing our world today and provides a roadmap for creating a more sustainable, just, and compassionate future.

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