OpenRa replay recording of Red Alert. Map: DizzyBoom

1 year ago

Replay recording OpenRA (Red Alert) of 'DizzyBoom'

Team 1 (North & South)

Team 2 (East & West)
Jezus Cinco
Prosecute Fauci

ssshhhhhhhhhhhhh (Team 2) blows him/her self to pieces right at the beginning. Leaving 4x3 to play. He's a worthless player.
Later on in the game Jezus Cinco can not handle it anymore. Reason: Unknown.
Leving 4x2 to play.
Then Mika (Team 1) who's seems a real pro takes the lead.
However nevvoso (Team 2) also seems a pro and with only 4 against 2 he's also a winner. If there where no quitters on Team 2 they would have a good chance winning.

Video mpdecimated with ffmpeg (removing double recorded frames, when recording framerate (30) is higher than game framerate (between 60 and +/- 15). So speed of resulting video may change. (The lower game framerate, the faster the mpdecimated video). Then also speed up 2x and mixed with original audiotrack.
Recorded on Ubuntu Linux with SimpleScreenRecorder on virtual 4k screen: xrandr --output HDMI-1 --scale 2.5x2.5 --panning 4800x2700

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