Extra Income or Better Budget?

1 year ago

There is a lot of pressure to start a side hustle and monetize our free time. The rise of the gig economy has made delivery and ridesharing easy options for average people. Whether you're thinking of getting a second job, starting up a side business, or other ways of bringing extra income- maybe what you really need is practice with personal finance and home budgeting. Or maybe living the side hustle lifestyle for a short period with a specific goal like holiday spending or paying for a vacation.

We discuss personal examples of people we know who have started up side businesses and are loving them.

Maybe a side hustle is for you, maybe you just need to learn to better handle the money you already have.

Links to sites mentioned:
Tom Woods: http://www.pathstoincome.com/
KevinComics: https://www.kevincomics.com/comic/the-side-hustle-shuffle/
Dave Ramsey: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/
Patricia Rocco: https://www.facebook.com/GalaxyBling5/
Jonathan: https://www.etsy.com/shop/lazydaytee/

WizNugs Shop: https://wiznugs.creator-spring.com/

#podcast #sidehustle #wiznugs #mentorship #nuggetsofwisdom

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