Exposing Fauci's Horrific Lie About The Vaccine

1 year ago

Fauci lied with a straight face about the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This man has no conscience.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.  

Video Sources:
1. Bannon’s War Room - Dr. Robert Malone on Fauci: "He is a practice, skilled, disinformation specialist."

2. InfoWars.com - BOMBSHELL: New Australian Data Confirms Jab Is Useless & Makes You Sicker Than Unvaccinated

3. TheHighWire.com - Josh Stirling testimony to Senator Ron Johnson

4. Expose-News.com - Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine?

5. Expose-News.com - While you were distracted by Boris resigning & a “Doomsday” Heatwave, the UK Gov. quietly published data confirming the Triple Vaccinated account for 91% of COVID Deaths since the beginning of 2022

6. Expose-News.com - World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19

7. RedVoiceMedia.com - The Medicare Data: How Can You Explain a 50% Rise in All-Cause Mortality

8. TheNewAmerican.com - The Ben Armstrong Show - Canada: 90% of COVID Deaths Are Vaxxed! Israel: 83% of Cases are Vaxxed!

9. InfoWars.com - 90% Of COVID Deaths Are From Vaccinated Individuals

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