Ep 114 Trump says end war in Ukraine now to avoid nuclear war & more

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Agenda47: Preventing World War III

I agree with President Trump and I’m 100% aligned with this great message.

President Trump is the father of America First and the only one who can deliver the America First agenda!

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Here's Plymouth Rock 400 years after America was founded. Sea levels aren't rising.

Feb 16
Mayer Amschel Rothschild 1744 Germany, the most famous of all European banking dynasties, which for some 200 years exerted great influence on the economic and political history of Europe.

They are top 0.01% of the entire world, own massive sums of money & huge influence. A 🧵

Trump is absolutely right, our greatest threat currently is right here at home. We must “fundamentally change” by severely reforming the government deep state bureaucracy. They (among many parts of our USG) represent a menace to our way of life.

The Global Experiment results are in:

The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and then suffered a stroke for them to begin an investigation.

I didn’t tell you guys this the other night, but I was being hunted down by ANTIFA for my reporting at UC Davis.

This is why we need to deem ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization:

THREAD: Proof that #NAFO and Adam Kinzinger will end the Russian Nazi Antisemitic Regime!

Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, says NATO has been providing "training and equipment" to Ukraine's military since "the war started in 2014."

How many Americans know that NATO has been arming Ukraine since the war started in 2014?

"Election Denier."'

The corporate media can keep their partisan slurs to themselves.

I'm not DENYING an election happened.

I'm denying the integrity with which it was ran.

We can either restore fairness to our elections or lose this country forever.

SVB donated $73 million to far Left extremist BLM groups, went bankrupt and is now receiving tax dollar bailouts.

This is how the government is laundering tax dollars to fund the ideological takeover of America.

What you're witnessing in America right now is a continual constitutional crisis: oligarchs can deplatform you from the Internet because it's just "private business" but our legal system keeps telling one Christian baker in Colorado exactly which gay cakes he must bake.

Christine Lagarde admits CBDCs are about control

Macron invoked Article 49.3 of the French Constitution today…which allows the Government to create a Dictatorship. Then they all sang the National Anthem together. Lol. Bonnè chance…France…incoming Riots in 3-2-1…

Article 49.3 of the French Constitution enables a government to push a bill through the National Assembly, France’s lower house of Parliament, without a vote.

My kid told me he’s a velociraptor. Where do I sign up for the “life-affirming” surgery @peggyflanagan

Being a good parent does NOT mean inflicting life-altering mutilation based on the whims of a confused child, you shameless buffoon. That actually makes you a monster. ✌️

NEW: The same students who plastered the names and faces of the Stanford Federalist Society all over the school are now demanding anonymity from the Free Beacon.

They say we've violated their right to privacy by identifying them.

You can't make it up.🧵

The school's chapter of the National Lawyers Guild—the organizing force behind the Maoist horde of would-be lawyers—papered the hallways prior to Judge Duncan's arrival with the names and photographs of the Federalist Society's board members.

Yet when Free Beacon reporter Aaron Sibarium quoted the group's board members describing the protests as "Stanford Law School at its best," and named those board members, we got a note from one of them, Lily Bou, demanding that we remove her name and those of her classmates.

BREAKING: China leader Xi will visit Moscow from Monday to Wednesday in an apparent show of support for Putin , both countries just announced today, Friday. This is coming just hours after the US said it opposes any ceasefire now between #Russia and #Ukraine as advocated by China as that would benefit Russia.

Apple, iTunes Just Nuked Song By Trump and The J6 Prison Choir After Weeks At #1

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I'll see your $240 B and raise you a trillion dollars. US Federal Reserve had a $1.2 trillion dollar mark to market loss thru Q3 of last year. We haven't even seen Q4 or what will ultimately be (with a higher terminal rate) final numbers in Q1 this year. Per capita is ~equal.

Senator Rand Paul left a Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting Wednesday after the the chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) used dirty tricks to undermine him.

Fiery Riots Erupt in France After Macron Uses Special Power to Raises Retirement Age without Vote


The Global Life Expectancy Keeps Dropping. This Is Now a 'Mega Event.'

St. Patrick’s Day: Progressive Prez Shoehorns Fighting ‘Poisonous Xenophobia’, Climate Change, Into Annual Speech

St Patrick: Kidnapped by Pirates and Enslaved at 16
The patron saint of Ireland first arrived in Ireland in the hold of a slave ship.

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