"Magari o Forse? Here's how to choose the right adverb." Italian for foreigners

1 year ago



a) Esclamazione – viene usata da sola nelle risposte o anteposta per rinforzare una frase che esprime un augurio, usata con il verbo al congiuntivo.
Esprime auspicio, desiderio o rimpianto per qualcuno o qualcosa:

– Allora, andiamo domani al cinema?
– Magari! (Magari potessi venire!), ma devo studiare per l’esame di storia che si terrà lunedì mattina.

– Ti piacerebbe venire in Italia con me il mese prossimo?
– Magari!
- Magari potessi venire con te!

– Quindi lui ti manca così tanto?
– Tantissimo. Magari lo potessi rivedere.

– Magari fossi ricca!
*Magari potessi prendermi un anno di vacanza!

b) Avverbio

1 - Piuttosto, perfino, addirittura; introduce una frase che ha preferenza rispetto a un’altra frase, introdotta generalmente da “ma” (coordinata avversativa):

– Che cosa farai dei libri del tuo ex?
– Magari li butterò nella spazzatura, ma non glieli restituirò!

– Adesso come farai a vivere?
– Magari vado a chiedere l’elemosina, ma a lei i soldi non li chiederò.

2 - Anche se, con valore concessivo:

– Ci compreremo una casa nuova, magari (anche se) a rate.

3 - probabilmente, con valore frasale:

– Perché Claudio non ti ha rivolto la parola alla festa?
– Che ne so! Magari (probabilmente) si è offeso.

– Quando ci sentiamo?
– Magari (forse) ti chiamo domani mattina.

4 - Eventualmente, semmai:

– Veniamo da te il prossimo fine settimana, va bene?
– Magari chiamatemi prima di venire.


a) Probabilmente, chissà, può darsi (esprime incertezza), si contrappone a certamente, sicuramente:

– Scusami se non ti ho dato retta ieri sera, forse (magari) avevi ragione.

Il suo significato si proietta sull’intera frase anche quando è messo alla fine:

– Sai dov’è Carlo? – Lui è a Parigi, forse.

b) Indica eventualità:

– Partirai sabato prossimo? – Forse.

c) Seguito da un numerale equivale a circa, pressappoco:

– Quante persone hai invitato al tuo compleanno?
– Forse ne ho invitate 40; ho invitato 40 persone.

– Quanti libri hai comprato ieri?
– Forse una decina.


(a) Exclamation-it is used alone in responses or placed before to reinforce a sentence expressing a wish, used with the verb in the subjunctive.
It expresses wish, desire or regret for someone or something:

- So, shall we go to the movies tomorrow?
- I wish I could (I wish I could come!), but I have to study for my history exam on Monday morning.

- Would you like to come to Italy with me next month?
- I wish I could!
- I wish I could come with you!

- So you miss him that much?
- So much. I wish I could see him again.

- I wish I was rich!
*Maybe I could take a year's vacation!

(b) Adverb

1 - Rather, even, even; introduces a sentence that has preference over another sentence, usually introduced by "but" (adversative coordinate):

- What will you do with your ex's books?
- Maybe I'll throw them in the trash, but I won't give them back to him!

- How are you going to live now?
- Maybe I'll go begging, but I won't ask her for money.

2 - Although, with concessive value:

- We'll buy a new house, maybe (though) in installments.

3 - Probably, with phrasal value:

- Why didn't Claudio talk to you at the party?
- What do I know. Maybe (probably) he was offended.

- When do we talk?
- Maybe (probably) I'll call you in the morning.

4 - Eventually, if anything:

- We'll come to your place next weekend, OK?
- Maybe call me before you come.


(a) Probably, who knows, may be (expresses uncertainty), is opposed to certainly, definitely:

- Sorry I didn't listen to you last night, maybe (maybe) you were right.

Its meaning is projected on the whole sentence even when it is put at the end:

- Do you know where Carlo is? - He is in Paris, maybe.

(b) Indicates eventuality:

- Are you leaving next Saturday? - Maybe.

(c) Followed by a numeral equals approximately, roughly:

- How many people did you invite to your birthday party?
- Maybe I invited 40; I invited 40 people.

- How many books did you buy yesterday?
- Maybe about 10.

The videos in this channel are dedicated to the Italian language and culture. The main topics will be grammar lessons, exercises, dialogues from everyday life, history, geography, fashion, cooking and much more.

My books on Amazon. Level A1/A2 I recommend the following textbooks:

For students of Russian language: https://www.amazon.it/dp/1521583730

For English language students:

For students of German language: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B095GJ5WS5

For Chinese language students:

For students of the Brazilian language: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0B5KVJNJ9

For students at B1/B2/C1/C2 level, I recommend my novels: dictionary, exercises and solutions.
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08DSVJZNB (Dead End Road)
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08DSSCRLZ (The Red Jasper)
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08TW5FLVK (The Curse of the Isle of Cora)
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B095GRWSBR (Militaria)

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