Coupon Codes and Texting: 2 Big Levers

1 year ago

Coupon Codes and Texting: 2 Big Levers

0:00 Introduction
Today I want to talk to you about two things that can really blow up your business in a good way, right? So one of them is coupon codes. Now they've been around forever. I know we were using 'em like 20 years ago, maybe 25. But most people don't take advantage of them.
0:18 Coupon Codes
Coupon code is simply a code that you can use and we specifically like using them with people that we know and friends and family and stuff that wanna help their clients take access to our services and we can actually track who's doing what. You can do 'em for email campaigns. You can put in, for everything, social media. And they're super easy to set up and I've got one here. And this is on our search box optimization program. So we've got a coupon code here and we're gonna type in... we'll type in Toe Cracker, who, if you don't know who he is, he's a world infamous or famous copywriter. He's as good as they get about.
I'm gonna apply that. And what happens is you can see it took $34 off. There's a reason for people to do it and specifically we give some type of discount or some type of bonus or benefit when they do it. Both is best. It gives them a reason for people to refer their clients to you. And we can actually track who's actually full of BS when they say they're doing it, and ones that actually do.
There's a myriad of other ways. I'm sure the smart person that you are, you can figure out how to make use of 'em for tracking information because, "that which is measured improves. That which is measured, improved, tracked, and something else improves exponentially." I'm gonna have to find the quote. It's somewhere out there.
1:55 Texting
The other thing I wanted to show you: people overlook this, nobody wants another email. At least I don't. But if you wanna reach your customers, everybody wants instantaneous gratification. I think right now, it's been said that people have the attention span of half of a goldfish. A goldfish will pay attention to something for eight seconds. People will pay attention to it for about four these days. Am I right? So, what we have here is, "Let's Talk," so we have a question here.
I'm going to pop this open. This is a text. And we can route this to anybody on the team. And they get an instantaneous response. We can also put in automated messages and, "Hey, thanks for texting us. We're not open this time. We'll have someone get back to you."
Or if they have specific questions, you can get really fancy. But what I found is, and I'm not taking credit for it, but simple, is easy to expand and it will make your life easier. Complex things are hard to use and you don't make any money off them. So you wanna make it as simple as you possibly, can on this. And texting is the way to go.
When we do this, we're looking at, and don't quote me on this, but probably around a 98- 99% response rate on this stuff, and we're really careful about how and when we use it, but usually we can pop out a text once a week to our client base. And for new clients though, they get their answers right away. It's on their phone. You have their full attention and it's instantaneous. You've got an email response, eh, who cares? Chat, eh, who cares, right? They have to be on here, but they can walk away from their computer. But they're not gonna walk away from their cell phone. Right?
3:39 Conclusion
So anyway, those are two tips that can actually blow up your business exponentially. And we install a bunch of these. The system we've got is bulletproof and it works. Think about coupon codes and see how you can use them. Also about texting.
I'm getting away from emails almost totally. Not that you can't make money on 'em, we still do it, but we're going more into the SMS channel and responses rates way above in the 90 percentile basis. And no one's doing that on emails these days. So anyway, that's it. If you have any questions or suggestions, go to iQ Marketers, click on this little texting thing and you'll get in touch with somebody here. So thanks. Have a profitable day, profitable week. In the chaos that's going on right now, there is so much money to be made. Remember with inflation in the US expect to be around 20, 25% this year, if you've been in the grocery store, you've already seen that happen. You've gotta get your business growth to at least 20% if you want to stay even.
Coupon Codes and Texting: 2 Big Levers
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