HTML Email Developer Questions

1 year ago

1:00 No.1 Are you a self-taught developer?
2:05 No.2 What languages would you recommend learning for 2022?
2:50 No.3 What is the role of email developer?
5:43 No.4 Do I only need HTML and CSS for HTML email development?
6:30 No.5 Where should I learn Email Development?
8:17 No.6 Is Salesforce something I should learn in HTML Email Development?
9:15 No.7 Do they hire email development remotely?
10:09 No.8 How long would it take to become an email developer if i know nothing about code?
11:18 No.9 After all coding and testing, do you send campaign too? or there are someone else will do the sending?
12:59 No.10 What is HTML table base coding?
14:04 No.11 Do you work 9-5 m-f working as a email dev? Or is it a job you can work remotely and have multiple email dev jobs?
17:49 No.12 Does companies require you to build email templates from scratch?

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