Nine-Round Breathing Meditation w/ Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Mantra

1 year ago

Nine-Round Breathing a mind-clearing meditation practice that involves nine breaths in and nine breaths out, together with targeted visualizations. Our body has 72,000 psychic energy pathways, according to Tibetan tantric tradition. The nine-round breathing meditation clears obstructions that can interfere with our meditation and assists in regulating the energy in these channels.
For each of the nine rounds, visualize breathing in a purifying white light as you inhale. Depending on where you are in the meditation, the light may descend via the channel to the right, to the left, or to both, clearing the channel of any pollutants from the body and the mind. Imagine that as you exhale, all of those pollutants, which take the appearance of black smoke, are forced upward, out of each channel, and released into space, where they completely vanish. With each of the nine rounds, visualize the white light and the black smoke cleaning your body and mind with each inhalation.

Please note that lineages and teachers might have variation on the style, arm movements etc., but the main focus is the clearing of the channels of stale winds

Tibetan Vajrayana Trulkhor Yantra Yoga

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