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2023-2-19 You Need Rest

1 year ago

Mark 6:30-31
First a short recap of the chapter leading up to verse 30.

Matsu Valley Messianic Jewish Ministry

The schedule Pastor Glenn loosely follows:
Shabbat: Going through the whole Bible. Currently in the book of Judges.
Tuesday evening: Torah Parashah study
Thursday: Continue the book of Romans study.
On the in between days: short videos he calls, "Daily Figs."

Bible version he likes: The Scriptures: https://www.bible.com/bible/316/GEN.1.TS2009

Pastor Glenn grew up on a 100 head Mennonite dairy farm. He joined a charismatic church as a young adult. Then joined the Air Force reserves. So he is a farmer boy turned military (Air Force security) man and construction foreman who became a Messianic Jewish Pastor. He and his wife volunteered in Jerusalem for almost a year in 2006-2007. He's the loving father of 6 and grandfather of 7. He's a manly man's preacher.


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