[세비라] 스페인 전쟁 (1936~1939)의 교훈

1 year ago

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이메일 : ssbrand@hanmail.net

# Rumble 채널명
Hangsik - https://rumble.com/account/content?ty..

# RUMBLE에는 유투브 금지 영상들 (제약회사와 백신, NATO, 전염병 등)에 관한 여러 영상이 보관되어 있습니다.

* 프랑코주의 = 왕당파+극우파+가톨릭 군사정권
아나키스트 CNT- 트로츠키스트 POUM = 왕당파+극우파+가톨릭 (프랑코) 반대 세력
인민전선 정부 = CNT-POUM가 지지하는 민주 정부
스페인 공산당 = CNT-POUM를 반대하는 정당
전쟁이 끝난 후 팔랑헤 = 프랑코 파시스트

-Avrich, P.(1980). ‘The Martyrdom of Ferrer’. The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States. USA: Princeton University Press.
-Payne, S. G. (2008), The collapse of the Spanish republic, 1933-1936: Origins of the civil war. USA: Yale University Press
-Thomàs, J. M. (2019), José Antonio Primo de Rivera: The Reality and Myth of a Spanish Fascist Leader 3. UK: Berghahn Books, p.193
-Wake J. (1997), Kleinwort Benson. The History of Two Families in Banking, USA: Oxford University Press
-Rocker R. (1986), The Tragedy of Spain (1937), UK: ASP
-Alpert, M. (1994), A New International History of the Spanish Civil War, Switzerland: Springer
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-Viñas A. (2010 ed.), Al servicio de la República. Diplomáticos y guerra civil, Spain: Marcial Pons
-Carroll, P. N. (1994), The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, USA: Stanford Univ. Press
-Huber P. (1997), ‘Surveillance et répression politique dans les Brigades Internationales’, Colloque International sur les Brigades Internationales, Lausanne, 18–20 December 1997
-Pagès P. (1997), Marty, Vidal, Kleber et le Komintern. Ce que nous apprennent les Archives de Moscou (CIBI), Colloque International sur les Brigades Internationales, Lausanne, 18–20 December 1997
-Bolloten B. (1991), The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution, USA: University of North Carolina Press
-von Mises L. (1978), Liberalism: A Socio-Economic Exposition, USA: Sheed Andrews and McMeel
-The Twenty-Six Point Program of the Falange, José Antonio Primo De Rivera Collection. https://archive.org/
-Preston P. (2012). The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain. UK: HarperCollins.
-Fraser, R. (1986), Blood of Spain: An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War, USA: Pantheon Books, pp. 546-547; Bolloten B. (1991), The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution, USA: University of North Carolina Press
-Fraser, R. (1986), Blood of Spain: An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War, USA: Pantheon Books
-Alexander, R. (1999). Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War. USA: Janus Publishing
-Tortella G. & Palafox J. (1995), ‘Banking and Industry in Spain, 1918-1936 in Martin-Acena P & Simpson J., The Economic Development of Spain since 1870, UK: Edward Elgar
The Guardian, Jul. 27 1936
The Guardian, Jul. 25 1936
New York Times. May 10, 1985

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