Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Trucking Missions #5 [Deliver Goods To Battery Point]

1 year ago



Trucker Missions
The Trucker Missions are unlocked after "Tanker Commander" for Catalina. They can be found in Flint Country marked with the Truck Icon. Your objective is to drive a truck with a trailer and deliver the goods to a certain place, with some instructions which must be followed. There are eight Trucker Missions altogether, although they are not marked in game in any specific order, here are a list of the missions and your objectives. Note that you will have to have Las Venturas unlocked in order to complete the final few Trucker Missions.

Mission 5: Extremely fragile goods to Battery Point, San Fierro.
This mission is not timed, however you will lose money for damaging the vehicle. You can take as long to get there as you wish though. Get in the tanker and head out to the right. Follow the road to the left past the right turn and then take the right turn at the intersection. Follow the road North and around the coastline all of the way until you reach the Airport area. Stick to the right of San Fierro and follow the road past the docks, under the bridges and all of the way to the foot of the Gant Bridge.

Reward: $4,000 (Minus damage penalties)
The next Trucker Mission has been unlocked."

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