Emma and Sophie Go On Mission!

1 year ago

In this episode of Shine Brightly!, GiveSendGo Co-founder Heather Wilson talks with Emma, Sophie, and their mom Sarah about the girls’ upcoming educational trip to Italy and their mission trip to England.

Sophie and Emma, two middle school students, will be helping out a new Youth with a Mission base in Pisa, sharing Bible stories in Italian and English, and connecting with local youth groups. They will also have the opportunity to visit historical sites during their two-week trip. Any money raised will go towards their flights, food, and housing. These girls are excited to share the hope of God's love with everyone they meet and have grown so much in their understanding of God's call for us to love and serve others.

If you want to support Emma and Sophie as they raise money for their mission trip, please visit www.GiveSendGo.com/MayersMission.

Do you know of someone whose shining light deserves to be recognized? We're looking for GiveSendGo campaigns to feature in an upcoming spotlight episode. To submit a nomination or even your own campaign, simply fill out our Shine Brightly! form by clicking on this link: https://forms.gle/SydkhvjdYEuphVpR9.

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