I heard the word – GOG and MAGOG over EUROPE Is Russia Gog? Jesus account Answered today in Part 5

1 year ago

#europe #revelation #revelations #europeanwar #worldwar3 #gogandmagog #war #warzone #bookofrevelations #prophecy #bibleprophecies #Russia #gog #magog #ezekielprophecies #genesisbibleprophecies #revelationprophecies #danielsbibleprophecies #israelbibleprophecies #gogmagog

I heard the word – GOG and MAGOG over EUROPE – What? Is Russia Gog? Jesus account of His return and end of age Answered today in concluding Part 5 –  in Bible Prophecies The book of Mathew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 Part 5 – Commentaries on the book Revelations, Genesis, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Matthew and see what the word of God says and how we can reposition with Commentaries.

Thursdays 16th of March 2023

Podcast link Part 5: https://anchor.fm/otakada/episodes/I-heard-the-word--GOG-and-MAGOG-over-EUROPE-Is-Russia-Gog--Jesus-account-of-His-return-Part-5-e20hak2

Blog link Part 5:


YouTube link Part 5:

Podcast link Part 4:


blog link part 4:


YouTube link part 4: https://youtu.be/mdke2GpDijo

Podcast link Part 3: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7FUiJEUviGmUuKcqw6CPht?si=1yrQH8uvR_KfQPhhBwznjw

Blog link Part 3: https://www.otakada.org/i-heard-the-word-gog-and-magog-over-europe-what-is-russia-gog-answered-today-in-part-3/

YouTube link part 3: https://youtu.be/VyCB6iR5874

Podcast Spotify link part 2 : https://open.spotify.com/episode/2C8qatpMVGcITnWqJJThEF?si=p_tP4kYtRtONJiCYPIPyYQ

Blog link part 2 : https://www.otakada.org/i-heard-the-word-gog-and-magog-over-europe-what-is-russia-gog-bible-prophecies-the-book-of-genesis-910-11-ezekiel-3839-part-2/

YouTube link part 2 : https://youtu.be/ZVL-81kbsME

If you missed the part 1, find below:

Blog link part 1 : https://www.otakada.org/i-heard-the-word-gog-and-magog-over-europe-what/

Podcast part 1 – https://open.spotify.com/episode/4imT36PNBOvqqiNE9tP6sA?si=u5JsnTXTRW6uxYciIrPo0A

YouTube part 1 – https://youtu.be/seCxAouaVuY

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