Wounded Parent creating Support Group in parent and teenager relationship How I see it Episode 20

1 year ago

#RelationshipTools #relationship #relationshipbuilding #BuildingBridges #Harmony #vengeance #prodigal #prodigalchildren #woundedparents #observer #revenge #forgiveness #prodigalyoungadult #ConflictManagement #pain #StopPain #criticalfactors #episode20 #judgement #judge #stories #reconcilation #truestory #restoration #healing #anger #fruitofthespirit #emotion #condemnation #church #listening #friendship #control #howiseeit #supportgroup

Wednesday 15th, March 2023

Otakada.org Content Count 2,220,910

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Partnership with God’s Eagle Ministries (GEM) via this link:


Series – Perfect Relationship: 24 Tools for Building BRIDGES to Harmony and Taking Down WALLS of Conflict in our Relationships.

Episode 20 : Wounded Parent creating Support Group in parent and teenager relationship - How I see it - How I see it is not how it is, it is just how I see it -  Episode 20 

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