Visual FoxPro Conversions: An Initial Evaluation

1 year ago

A. Zip up your program and source code and email it to us at

B. At no cost to you, we'll evaluate your code in:
Programs (.PRGs)
Forms (.SCXs)
Report files (.FRXs)
Libraries (.VCXs)

We'll look at a cross-section of your program to determine the programming techniques that were used. Some techniques make it more difficult to convert. The way in which the program was written is one of the most important factors in the cost of converting.

C. We'll provide you with a brief estimate, usually within a week. From that point, we can move forward with a deposit.

ERW Custom Programming converts and supports all versions of FoxPro from FoxBase to Visual FoxPro 9. The most important factor in successful FoxPro migration is having the right team in place. We have decades of experience and dedicated programmers skilled in FoxPro. We work extensively in dBase II, dBase III, Clipper, FoxBase, FoxPro for DOS, FoxPro for Windows and Visual FoxPro. We were incorporated in Michigan in 1988 and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Visit or call us at (248) 683-4182.

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