What Was ALL The BootLicking Manhaj About All These Years? The Makkah Charter

1 year ago

Assalaamualykum Brothers and Sisters

Many years have passed since we have been exposed by British made Islam of Saudi Gov , Scholars who remained Silent on the Oppression of the Muslim world from the British made Gov.

When I say years I say in the past in the 15 years the cracks started appearing. That I can personal stand as a witness to. Brothers and sisters there is a Great Fitnah coming and if we are aware of our Deen we are going to be lost in it. AdDajjal is on his way. The environment is getting prepared for him. He will appear in the East. This is why the Distortion of Islam is so strong there. Many Prophets came to them yet they still chose misguidance over guidance.

It is upon every Muslim, to know the tricks of shaitaan and his people. Our brothers and sisters are being groomed online. Into haraam relationships. Falsely promised married from Extremists. Then their honour is removed.

In Subcontinent muslim women walk with no Hijab. TV dramas are airing haraam relationships in the home. Brainwashing the future generations and whoever is left, who is able to see the injustice and lack of Islamic representation in the world Politically especially. We are shut down.

So now Saudia has a Makkah Charter that keeps the worst of people in charge of our Islamic Affairs. Imagine Abu Lahab as your Khalifah. This is the sort of group that want full access to our Islam. Now that China is leading the normalisation of Saudi and Iran unity. We have alot to work on.

The Dunya people want to hoard the Wealth of the people. They want to be worshiped. They are similar to Quresh who didnt like the idea of Accountability.

Unity between the Ummah is needed but not with those who are constantly belittling or Humiliating the Believers. Who are known for compromising their Islam.

Lastly I understand the pain and the compromising alot of us had to make. I know the wrong decisions alot of had to make. I know that pain. But Allah swt is Forgiving and Most Merciful. Our Wealth and Children are a TEST for us. But understand Prophets in Islam family couldnt all be saved. Nuh as Wife and son. Lut as Wife so on and so forth. Dont lose your Islam. You can only Advice.

Insha'Allah one day our Masjids that are funded by the public and not the government will be a beacon of Hope for the Muslim communities as they once were.

Please support the efforts of all the brothers and sisters out there. Accountability is far better in this World than the next. As the Punishments are ever lasting so let us be reminders for one another. Love and duas to you all. You all are constantly in my duas.

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