The Non-Aligned Movement: What's so Funny About Peaceful Coexistence? An Interview with Paul Stubbs

1 year ago

An Interview with Paul Stubbs by Aleksandar Novaković and Arturo Desimone.

Paul Stubbs (Liverpool, UK ) is a sociologist specializing in Yugoslavia and the Non-aligned movement and is currently a senior research fellow at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia. He is the author of titles such as "Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: social, cultural, political and economic imaginaries", " Yugocentrism and the Study of the Non-Aligned Movement: towards a decolonial historiography" as well as editor of "Social Inequalities and Discontent in Yugoslav Socialism" . His research interests include global social policy, policy translation, new left-green urban political movements, and poverty and social exclusion. he is currently working on a history of the New International Economic Order. In this interview, we examine such topics as the creation and decline of the Non-aligned-movement, situtation on the global left, economic crises, and possibilities for the creation of new forms of international relationships, based on principles of cooperation and peaceful coexistence.

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