Fr Calvin Robinson - The 21st Century Church in a Woke Society

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Here in the UK we have had the Church of England announce they will bless same-sex unions while over in the US the so called 'Asbury Revival' has been making headlines.
To understand these two diametric concepts of revival and woke-ism we asked Fr Calvin Robinson to join us.
Calvin speaks out strongly on how the Church is England is losing its message of Christ as it embraces 'new' values and concepts of the world.
He has also been keeping a keen eye on the unusual events at the church in Asbury University in Kentucky, where a service of worship just went on and on.
Can the Church of England return to truth and is what is happening in Asbury the beginning of a renewal in Christendom?

The Reverend Calvin Robinson is a popular British political advisor, presenter and commentator.
Fr Robinson is Minister-in-Charge of Christ Church in London and has been published widely in the media, including GB News, Talk radio, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, the Spectator, and the Daily Express among others.
He is a former assistant principal and has consulted for the Department for Education, supporting school leaders across the South East.
Born and bred in the East Midlands, England, Calvin is on a crusade to reclaim our country from the woke using truth and common sense while standing up for family, conservative, Christian and British values.
Catch Calvin every Sunday at 3pm for the 'Common Sense Crusade' on GB News.

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Interview recorded 13.3.23

Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories...

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