Netflix Cartoon "Ridley Jones" Animal States They're Non-Binary and Another Uses the Wrong Pronoun

1 year ago

Netflix Cartoon Animal States They're Non-Binary. Posted by Libs of TikTok on Twitter 3/16/2023, from @plasticamie. According to, the show, which included Cyndi Lauper as a voice, was canceled well into season 5 (episode 8, "Herd Day").

From TPM:

"The Ridley Jones episode featured a bison character named Fred who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. In episode 8 of season 5, titled "Herd Day," Fred comes out to their grandmother, who is voiced by Cyndi Lauper. The episode sparked controversy, with many claiming the show was pushing a woke agenda.

One Twitter user criticized the show's portrayal of a non-binary character, writing, "What a message to send to young girls in particular." Others praised the show for its representation of non-binary people. Nee, who is a lesbian and a mother herself, has been an advocate for greater representation of LGBTQ+ characters in children's media."

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