How Russians see it, meaning the Russian government see things

1 year ago

How Russians see it, meaning the Russian government see things: Lindsey Graham in Ukraine 2017, talking about going on the offensive against Russia.

Imagine if a Russian government official casually going to Mexico and telling Mexican troops “where going on the offensive against The US”

How the reality is: Imagine USA atacking Mexico (like USA did in the past in the USA vs Mexico war), imagine USA organising a referendum in a few Mexican states: Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua. Imagine the world saying this Referendum is bogus. Imagine USA bombing Mexican cities for a year.

Now take a step back to reality. USA didnt do this to Mexico so no the situation is not equal. Russians and the Russian government seriously lack some logic and reality. The fact that USA atacked Irak...really does not excuse Russian Army atacking Ukraine, it only shows the Character of Putin, the Russian Army and ulitimately half the Russian people.

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