HAARP intel: Toxic skyes in memory of Anne Heche killed by the Cabal, proof of chemtrails

1 year ago

HAARP intel:
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HAARP is a frequency weapon similar to 5G tech but much more powerfull. Aulterra devices for protection against 5G and wifi, which became necesarry in these days can be found at this link: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/HOUSEUSB/AUL651/ Come with us on the free energy telegram group and lets build ourselves a new system based on free energy: https://t.me/FreeEnergyTelegram
These are contrails. Ithey were contrails they wouldn’t just stop like this. This is deliberate chemical[chemtrail] spraying.

Look closely at the top of the smoke. You can see the particles rising.

Communities has to start banding together. The planes launch from private airfields and not a regular airport.

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