David Straight - The Truth About China

1 year ago

Our news has not been truthful with the American people. Only 1% are communists. There are not many police, they leave the people alone for the most part. 1 Million in Government and 1 Million in the military.

There is no need to lock the car doors or roll up the windows as theft is close to non-existent. The people self-protect. Chinese people respect each other.

China ONLY puts those who hurt others in prison.

A lot of the people in cities have $90k cars and live in $1 Million homes/apartments and they make good money. Most people in Texas make less than what they do in China.

There are poor areas in Western rural China.

They don't place their Elders/Parents in Care Homes as they believe they should be surrounded by loved ones when they die. It would be a sin if they died at home.

The United States has about 330 million people and 2 Billion people in China. We have 1/6th the population of China. We have 3 million people in prison. China had 500,000 people in prison. The United States has SIX TIMES more people in prison with 1/6th the population.

Who has the Freer Country?

China doesn't have our Bond program.

In the United States, a police officer creates a Cause of Action, that cause creates a Case #, that case creates a CUSIP, the Cusip is then attached to a Bond, which is sold under their ISIN Number out the back door of the courthouse to a broker on Wallstreet which is reported in the CAFR - Certified Financial Reports and this the the phantom second book that every county operates on.

Find out your counties ENTIRE Budget and Divide that amount by each person in the county. It won't come out right.

It's not all coming from taxes.

Go figure.

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