Title: Are The Digital I.D Cards Going To Be To Our Own Demise?

1 year ago

Title: Are The Digital I.D Cards Going To Be To Our Own Demise?

Are We Sleep Walking Through This Thing? Digital I.D Cards. Where Every Single Aspect Of Our Life's Will Be On Digital I.D. Everything We Purchase, Every Transaction, Our Personal Details Will All Be Stored In One Place And Most Likely Under The (Control Of Central Governments). Awarded Points For Good Behaviour And Points Deducted For Bad Behaviour. Who Decides All Of This? Is It You?


I dare to tackle issues other Creators shy away from. And issues that Social Media Channels and Owners Creative Content channels don’t want out there. The man of the hour. Critical Theorist &Investigative researcher. Interest the metaphysical, A.I, Spirituality, Health. Likes Meditation, Reading, Sports, dowsing

I am not a Conspiracy Theorist for to conspire it requires working with other people, conspiracy theories is what the CIA put out years ago in order to character assassinate anyone who talked on certain subjects and issues. The self professed BLACK DAVID ICKE’S in the making! I covers a wide range of topics and social issues. So come with me on this exciting journey.

Eldad Amara

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