Lab Leak Theory+ Upcoming Potential Debates with the "freedom community"

1 year ago

I knew this would come to this and I expected this. They are so desperate that couldn't help but reveal their own true color!

When the "great medical scientist” McCullough, instead of presenting scientific experiments and evidences, (he) reasoned and rationalized “the existence of the viruses” like this: “… they are clearly isolated […] the viruses are isolated and it is actually purified in order to give us a vaccine […] so they have to be isolated”, and a bunch of anarchist activists and agorist journalists who are supposed to be vigorous researchers with critical thinking just keep nodding their head in agreement with pretentious admiration! You know even heaven can smell the stench!

And now a supposed "great" medical journalist has become so desperate that devolved into a retarded accuser accusing the “real scientific works and questioning of “no virus group” of giving escapeway to the Covidclotshot criminals “right on the moment” of their indictment … and “let these criminals walk off in the sunset!”

One needs only one cell of brain to see such nonsense and garbage!

Make no mistake, these garbage and accusations clearly are not directed to Dr Cowan, and his No Virus colleagues, or even to those laypersons like me and many here who have been empowered by the eye-opening works of Dr Lanka and of the No Virus Team. 

These nonsense and garbage are directed to their own “silent insouciant majority” who may have started questioning the whole bullshit empty anti-Fauci, Bill Gates, WEF rhetoric and especially the guaranteed failure of the “legal actions and lawsuits” in “bringing those criminals” to justice. The system of power never works that way! They, you and I already knew that!

Therefore, these useful idiots and crooks have to blame the “No Virus” for their hopium con-work failure and bullshit. Yeah! It’s the “No Virus” that ‘sabotages” our “hard works”... Otherwise ….you know what!

As I have said, since the “virus existence” is one of principal fear based weapons of the system of power being used to enslave the people, therefore to prove the viruses do not exists is to challenge the “raison d'être” of the whole system of power that should not be. And I dare say that proving the virus bullshit is to unchain and to liberate mankind from tyranny! Dr Cowan himself did discuss this in at least two of his seminars!

They have been gaslighting people into believe that this global crime against humanity is just the criminal works of some individuals, not the whole destructive system of government coercive power and brute force. These useful idiots are statists who just want to preserve the current system of power that has benefited them well.

It’s McCullough, Bigtree and their “Freedom community” ilk that have given esacpeway to the true perpetrators of this most evil crime against humanity: the system of government coercive power and brute force, without which the WHO, WEF, Fauci, Bill Gates and their ilk could never have even a slightest chance to wield such influence and power, let alone inflicted such deadly damages on the people of this whole planet without end in sight! 

Don’t ever forget that It’s the national governments with monopoly of deadly violence that directly force and inflict everything upon the people, NOT the WHO, WEF, Bill Gates or even Fauci!  

Since “No Virus” position is based on science with scientific method of questioning and scientific experiment, NONE of them in the so-called "Freedom community dare to risk everything to face Dr Cowan and his formidable team.

BTW, about their "Gain of Bullshit" lab leaks, my best guess is that they were doing testing and producing some poisonous chemical weapons there ... Since "virus" means poison anyway!

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