How K-9 detective helped discover a North Dakota house fire was an act of arson

1 year ago

In March 2021, a K-9 detective named "HektOR" played a crucial role in helping investigators determine that a house fire in North Dakota was an act of arson. The fire had taken place in the early morning hours, and investigators from the Fargo Fire Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were called in to determine the cause.

HektOR, a black Labrador Retriever, is trained in accelerant detection and is part of the ATF's National Response Team. His handler, Special Agent Adam Kavanagh, brought HektOR to the scene of the fire to search for any traces of accelerants that might have been used to start the fire.

As HektOR sniffed around the charred debris, he quickly picked up the scent of an accelerant. The dog led his handler to a specific area of the house, where he indicated that he had found something. Investigators later found evidence of an ignitable liquid in that same area.

Thanks to HektOR's keen sense of smell and his specialized training, investigators were able to determine that the fire had been intentionally set. The evidence gathered by HektOR and his handlers will likely be used in court to prosecute whoever is responsible for the arson.

This is just one example of how K-9 detectives like HektOR can play a critical role in solving crimes and bringing criminals to justice.

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