Intentionally create the next generation of hate.

1 year ago

If I were a super villain… this is what I would do too. Destroy the children. Before they have a chance to love one another.

While keeping the parents distracted and stressed to their breaking points.
Trapped in the previous mindwashing, of hatred and division. Use economic and social divide. Mistrust.. lack of communication, education and financial ability… against them, instead of helping them to right the wrongs that were done to them previously.

Disable them from physically having the time, or financial resources to miss a shift. At one of their multiple jobs.

Pay your taxes slave!!
Pay that tuition slave!!

How could they possibly know what’s being done to their babies??
They can barely catch their breath.

Who is supposed to warn them??
The children??
They have no idea what is being done to them.
They are conditioned to believe their parents are their enemy.
What a brilliant plan.

The news??
Lmfao. I own them too. All of them. Silly.

Have you seen them lately??
Your “trusted sources” for information…
also attended these indoctrination, social conditioning institutions themselves.

Their minds are broken.
And they hate themselves...
why would they care about you.. or your children.
That only leave room for those who wish to be apart of MY civil society to…
Fall in line.
Or cease to exist.

Political affiliation is irrelevant.
They’re all in on the same game… because I already owned them, before you were allowed to “vote” them in…
They plot and scheme together, under my constant supervision and control.
To steal your peace.
Fracture your love.
Break up your families.
Prevent you from having the ability to trust, feel compassion, loyalty
identity, nationality… or anything that makes you a unique beautiful human.

I feed on the hatred and chaos that you make so easily available
I am them… and you are nothing.
I own you all.

That’s what I would do if I were a super villain. Idk

Fortunately, we DO exist. And we DO see what’s being done

Push back now.
Before we are unable to change anything coming into our future.

Be love.
Be light.
Be hope.
Be aggressive.
Be the courage needed to save a generation of our babies.

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