Daily Chess play - 1319 - Another even day - Rematch games 3 and 4.

1 year ago

First game, I get myself into trouble on move 34 when I don't attack his King with Bishop or with pawn on f3. His Queen was then able to come in and cause some trouble. Still had some chance but made all sorts of error after that. On top of that I run out of time.

Second game, Even game until I took his Rook on d5 and he decided to take my Bishop instead on f6. This allowed me to take pawn on b5. I keep checking his King then trade Queens on d4. I hang my Rook on b8 so traded for his Bishop. I was able to promote my pawn and trade everything until it's just my Queen and checkmate him.

Third game, Even game until I Blunder my Queen because I forget his Bishop on h8, move 21. I managed to get it pretty far but eventually lose. Not sure if I could have stuck my King to the other side to keep his King out.

Fourth game, I was going to end the video but he wanted a rematch. Even game until I took pawn on d4, move 21. This opened up the board for me but I end up losing more pieces because I ignored the Queen being able to take my Rook on b3 =/. But even with that I felt I was more devloped and his King was out in the open so I was able to keep checking him. I pin the Queen and Rook on c4. I even the game out then. I was then able to checkmate him on h3.

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