One Hour One Life Gameplay - Brave Smith - Learned more Smithing related recipes and raised 5 kids

1 year ago

My mother was Rose Smith. I was born on the road right off the horse drawn cart. She took good care of me until my hair was grown out. I had 4 daughters, Voula (Voyager), Hope, Lady, and Tabitha. Similar to my mom I had the first two kids on the road. Luckily not too far to walk. Hope almost starved to death as a baby by walking away from the fire XD. Saw her exit East and then arrive West. I found my granddaughter crying on the floor so I raised her as well. I named her Emily as I think that was what she spelled. I wonder which daughter dropped her and didn't realize XD.

The first thing I noticed was the huge nursery; Humongous. Later on the adobe walls start to crumble around town. The well was dry and we needed rubber but I swear I saw someone have buckets of dough in a handcart. Never knew what happened to that. I found some sulfur from a hotspring but someone would later fix the well so I didn't need to worry about it.

Things I learned:
Wet Nozzle:
Skewer + Clay = Wet Nozzle

1. Wet Nozzle + Wooden Tongs = Wet Nozzle in Wooden Tongs
2. Wet Nozzle in Wooden Tongs + Firing Adobe Kiln (Tinder fuel) = Nozzle in Wooden Tongs
3. Nozzle in Wooden Tongs + Ground = Nozzle

1. Empty Pouch + Wooden Tongs = Bellows without Nozzle
2. Nozzle + Bellows without Nozzle = Bellows

Bowl of Sulfur: (I think this is needed to make the Rubber dough)
Bowl + Sulfur Hot Spring = Bowl of Sulfur

Dug Big Rock:
Shovel + Big Rock = Dug Big Rock

Split Big Rock x 2:
Steel Chisel + Dug Big Rock + Mallet = Split Big Rock x 2

Stone Block:
Steel Chisel + Split Big Rock + Mallet = Stone Block

Pile Letter Stock:
Flint + Skewer = Pile of Letter Stock

Flint + Letter Stock = Play around the combination to get specific letters.

Various Wrought Iron pieces:
1. Wooden Tongs + Wrough Iron = Wrought Iron in Wooden Tongs
2. Wrought Iron in Wooden Tongs + Firing Adobe Oven (Charcoal) = Hot Wrough Iron in Wooden Tongs
3. Hot Wrough Iron in Wooden Tongs + Flat Rock = Hot Wrough Iron
4. Smithing Hammer + Hot Wrough Iron = Hot Piston, Hot Cylinder, Hot Fuel Tank, or Hot Boiler
5. Let it Cool on whichever you select.

Tried to learn whatever I could while raising many children.
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