Biden to Unleash on Gun Owners in 76 Days

1 year ago

In just 76 days, Joe Biden’s ban on unregistered pistol braces take effect. This decision is gun control by Executive fiat, it never passed Congress, it was never heard in committee. Despite that, Biden intends to use Georgia cops to enforce it here in Georgia!

GGO’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) would protect us from this, by requiring Georgia cops to only enforce Georgia gun laws! But Speaker Burns and Senate President Burt Jones, and House Majority Leader Chuck Efstration are locking the bill down in committee!

Call Jon Burns and tell him to stop blocking SAPA (House Bill 293) at: 404-656-5020.

Call Chuck Efstration and tell him to stop blocking SAPA (House Bill 293) at: (404) 656-5052.

Call Burt Jones and tell him to stop blocking SAPA (Senate Bill 67) at: 404-656-5030.

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