It’s Time! | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 19, 2023

1 year ago

It’s Time! | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 19, 2023

Do you not say, “There are yet four months, then comes the harvest”? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. John 4:35

There is an urgency to preach and share the Gospel that I have not felt in my lifetime. Certainly we must always prioritize fulfilling the Great Commission. We read Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:8-10 (Great Commission passage), Matthew 9:36-38, and John 4:35 and we realize there is an element of “going out” and proclaiming this message of salvation. Oftentimes it is linked to the idea of a harvest. The crop is ready to be taken in, but the workers must go out into the fields. If we’re in Christ, we’ve realized this for awhile now. But have we taken time to consider just how short the days really are?

As I consider all of this, one phrase comes to mind: It’s time. It’s time to have the conversations we’ve been putting off. It’s time to invite that friend or relative to church or to a Bible study. For me, it’s time to get to know my neighbors on more than just a surface level where we exchange pleasantries here and there. Because tomorrow is not promised. We are living in a window of time that is only open for a moment. Eventually it will shut. You and I may already have eternity figured out. But what about those who do not know Jesus? It’s time!

Question for today: What is one conversation I need to have soon…perhaps today or this week?

Pray: Lord help us to understand the urgency of the times. Help us not put off to tomorrow what needs to be done today.

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