How to Launch a Book on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Amazon Platform

1 year ago

How to Prepare and write eBook Content:
The title must be attention-grabbing, and informative and should encompass the topic completely. Avoid using obscure metaphors or contrived wording. Readers must know what they are getting from your eBook before they download it. Ex: Amazon Selling Tips
Organize the Content - It is best to organize the content into sections. It has a table of contents with descriptive titles for each section. Not just a table of contents but some parts of a book like an Introduction and acknowledgment.
Edit and proofread all your text. Grammar mistakes and typos will make the content seem unprofessional even if well written. Use online editors like Grammarly
Font style, color, and size should be uniform.
If the pdf is ready to be published, make sure the file is in PDF. PDF is best for eBooks that are meant to be read on a computer (digital marketers)

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