What Contracts Do You Need For Your Business?

1 year ago

Are you aware of the legal protections your business needs? On this episode of the Small Business Tax Savings Podcast, we welcome Andrea Sager, Andrea is a lawyer with experience in contract law. She explains the different types of contracts businesses need for protection.

Andrea Sager highlights that having a privacy policy, terms of use, service agreement, employment agreement, and independent contractor agreement are essential for most businesses.

She provides valuable advice on when to use a template or hire an attorney for custom contracts and how to protect yourself if you’re working with an LLC, she outlines her best tips for creating meaningful agreements with clients and cautions against signing any document without reading it first.

Tune in now to learn the importance of signing contracts and how to do so respectfully and professionally!

00:01 When To Get Custom Agreements Versus Contract Templates
03:47 Why Is It Essential For You To Have Contractual Agreements
08:15 Protect Your Business With Contract
12:27 Closing Segment


Podcast Host: Mike Jesowshek, CPA - Founder and Host of Small Business Tax Savings Podcast
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