What’s Best Left Unsaid | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 10, 2023

1 year ago

What’s Best Left Unsaid | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 10, 2023

So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. James 3:5,6

The Book of James is a favorite of mine. What always convicts me are the verses in James 3 that pertain to the tongue. Essentially the entire book is about character and conduct. What does it mean to be a Christian? How does that manifest and show up in everyday life? If we are being real, the tongue (our words…spoken or typed) are powerful. James recognizes this and compares a tongue’s control over the body to other small objects with lots of pull (a bit in the mouth of a horse, a rudder on a ship, a small spark that starts a forest fire). The tongue can do so much damage.

Within this study on the power of words, I’ve been compelled to think about what it is I don’t say…and should leave unsaid. Often there’s the need to get in the last word. To be right. To win the argument. But is that what I’m called to in Christ? Most often, no. There’s always a temptation to have those words be spoken. To make sure that I’m heard. But in sincere humility, Christ went to the cross in silence. He modeled holding one’s tongue in a moment when He could have said so much. When we can hold our tongues we minimize damage and untold fallout. Sometimes it’s just best to leave things unsaid.

Question for today: Jesus had every right to say something but didn’t. I can often have no right to say something but speak anyway. How can I be more like Christ today by carefully choosing my words?

Pray: Jesus as always I thank You for Your example. Help me live in a way that honors and pleases you with my words.

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