Experience The Vibration and Frequency of Bells That Got Erased By Secret Societies From History

1 year ago

The secret to the universe if energy, vibration and frequency - Nikola Tesla

Throughout history, many ancient cultures believed that sound, frequency, and vibration had the power to promote healing and restore balance in the body. Here are some examples of how different cultures used sound and vibration for healing:

Ancient Egyptians: The Egyptians believed that sound and vibration were powerful tools for healing. They used chanting and toning in their religious ceremonies to align the body, mind, and spirit. They also believed that certain musical instruments, such as the harp, had healing properties.

Ancient Greeks: The Greeks believed that music and sound had the power to heal the body and promote emotional well-being. They used music in their healing temples to treat a variety of ailments, including mental illness, physical injuries, and digestive disorders.

Traditional Korean Medicine: In traditional Korean medicine, sound and vibration are used to balance the body's energy and promote healing. One technique is called "acutonics," which involves using tuning forks to stimulate specific points on the body.

Ayurveda: Ayurvedic medicine, which originated in India, uses sound and vibration to balance the body's doshas, or energy centers. Mantras and chanting are often used to promote healing and balance.

There is limited information on how Tartary used organ instruments for healing, but it is believed that they were used as a therapeutic tool to promote physical and emotional well-being. The Tartarian Empire was known for its advanced knowledge of music, and it is believed that they may have used organs and other musical instruments to create specific frequencies and vibrations that were believed to have healing properties.

The use of sound and music as a therapeutic tool has been practiced for thousands of years in various cultures around the world. In ancient Korea, for example, the healing power of music was believed to be linked to the harmonization of the body's energy centers, or "meridians," while in ancient Greece, music was used to treat a variety of ailments, including mental illness and physical injuries.

In Tartary, it is believed that organs may have been used to create specific frequencies and vibrations that were believed to have healing properties. The organs were typically played in a specific way to produce these frequencies, which were thought to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.

While the specific techniques used by Tartarian healers may be lost to history, the use of sound and music as a therapeutic tool is still practiced today in various forms of alternative and complementary medicine. For example, sound healing therapies such as Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowls are believed to promote relaxation and reduce stress, while music therapy is used to treat a range of physical and emotional conditions.

In summary, while the specifics of how Tartary used organ instruments for healing are unclear, the use of sound and music as a therapeutic tool is a longstanding practice in many cultures around the world, and organs may have been one of the instruments used by Tartarian healers to promote healing and balance in the body and mind.

Overall, the use of sound, frequency, and vibration for healing has been a longstanding practice in many ancient cultures. While the specific techniques and beliefs may vary, the underlying idea is that sound and vibration can have a profound impact on the body and mind, promoting healing, relaxation, and overall well-being.

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