Excess deaths, could covid vaccines be a factor

1 year ago

Europe excess deaths


Our world in data, excess deaths


On 5th March 2023, v 5 year average, all ages


Australia, 16%

Brazil, 10%

Canada, 2%

Ireland, 31%

Netherlands, 6%

NZ, 13%

Scotland, 5%

UK, 3%

US, 2%

Bulgaria, - 20%

Czechia, - 6%

Germany, - 1%

Poland, - 10%

Sweden, -13%

UK, ONS (14th March)


UK, Week ending 3 March 2023

562 deaths involving COVID-19 registered

Deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for 4.1% of all deaths

13,593 deaths were registered in the UK

7.1% above the five-year average.

Excess deaths, March 2020 to December 2022

Above the five-year average in 18 out of 34 months

Excess deaths, all causes, England and Wales
= 167,356

103,585 were male

63,770 were female

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